Friday, September 5, 2008

Coupons 101

Coupons 101 was on vacation but now is back. The Fall holidays Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming so fast.

Start shopping early to save money and more important to get the gifts you want.

My plan this year is to get a good budget and stick to it. I am earning extra money selling on ebay. It is fun and helps add to my spending power.

I also give away free web sites. This is an awsome gift for a family member. It is very simple.

Go to: for all of the details. Think you could give each family member there own website for free. It can be used in many ways as you can think possible.

A personal website can be used for pictures, letters and to start a business. A business website can introduce a new product. Since the website is free, you have a great gift and it will be loved.

Next lesson coupons 101 helpful hints

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Save Money-Coupons 101

Coupons 101 has many more ways to save money by saving water.

Just a word or two about outdoor water use:

  1. Check soil moisture
  2. Use shut-off nozzle on garden hose
  3. Avoid sprinklers with fine mist
  4. Use a car wash
  5. Wash car on lawn
  6. Don't water sidewalks
  7. Water early
  8. Mulch plants
  9. Plant drought-tolerant grasses, ground covers, shrubs and trees
  10. Raise the blade on the mower
Every drop of water that is saved is money in your pocket!

Next Lesson Coupons 101 helpful hints

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Coupons 101 Saving Money by Saving Water

Just a little off the usual topic of coupons, but in my paper there was an article on how to save money by saving water use in the home.

Since this blog is mostly about saving money, I find that I am going to take these hints and use them.

We waste a lot of water, especially in the bathroom where about two-thirds of a home's water use goes down the drain. So let's start there.

1. The toilet-use the low volume ones or put a plastic bottle filled with water in the tank to reduce the amount of water used.

2. Brushing your teeth, shaving or washing your face-turn off the water.

3. Showers-cut down to 5 minutes.

4. Drastic showers-Navy style get wet, turn off water, later and scrub then turn it on and rinse.

5. Shower head-trade high-flow for a low-flow.

6. Shower-waiting for the water to get warm, place a bucket to collect the water and use it for houseplants, etc.

This is a start. I'll list more of the water saving money saving 50 hints in the future.

Next lesson Coupons 101 helpful hints on coupons and water saving

Monday, July 28, 2008

Coupons 101

Thank you someone, for leaving a coupon near the dog food treats. I picked it up and saved $1.50!

That is a good hint.

If you have a good coupon and can not use it, leave it on the shelve for another customer.

I have done that and left a coupon in the past but this was the first coupon I picked up and used!

I am sure that the store removes these free gifts when they see them. I still plan to leave a good coupon bargin for another saver!

Next lesson-helpful hints

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Coupons Online-Coupons 101

Online coupons from coupons 101

As noted before, not all coupons come from the Sunday papers. Here are three good ones:



3. and click on P&G eSaver (if you shop at Kroger)

Next lesson helpful hints

Friday, July 18, 2008

Caregiving Coupons 101

Coupons 101 Caregivers

I have come across a list of care givers for all types of help that a family might need. I have an idea. Need a part time job? This group may be able to help?

Coupons 101-Helpful hint

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Credit Card Warning Coupons 101

Credit Card Warning Signs-Coupons 101

Credit card debt has grown by 315% since 1989. If we want to save money using coupons, we do not want to lose the savings by using credit cards. Too much debt has warning signs.

1. No savings
2. Can make only minimum payment on credit card
3. Make purchases when trying to pay off credit card
4. Reached credit card limit
5. Late payments
6. Cash advances
7. Bounced checks
8. Denied credit

While times are extra hard, the use of a credit card and a growing balance is a road map for financial disaster.

Happy couponing! Save money! Put some money away!

Next lesson on Coupons 101-helpful hints